5 factors to keep in mind for booking cheap Delhi to Ahmedabad flights

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Traveling by air may be the fastest and convenient means of transportation but it is not the most affordable option out there. How many times has it happened that you have decided to book flight tickets but hedged because of the airfare? What you may not know is that there are certain factors you can follow when booking flight tickets that may help you land tickets at an affordable rate. In this article, we will talk about the 5 factors you should keep in mind when booking Delhi to Ahmedabad flights at affordable rates: 


1. Compare airlines online:  

One of the important factors of booking tickets online is to make sure that you compare different airlines online. Different airline carriers have different airfares and comparing them may help you find Delhi to Ahmedabad flights at a cheaper rate.  


2. Choose the right date:   

When trying to find cheap Delhi to Ahmedabad flights, it is important to remember to be flexible with the date of departure. Airfare is generally high during major holidays such as Diwali, Christmas, etc. This is because the demand for the tickets is more as people either book tickets to visit family or go on vacations. To avoid paying a hefty amount you can opt for dates that do not fall during such seasons. Similarly, airfare for tickets is considerably cheaper during the weekdays than they are during the weekends.